Bachelorette 18ep2: Risk

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Bachelorette 18ep2: Risk

Like the board game Risk, the men on this season of the Bachelorette are starting strong with their strategies and gambits. Is Jamie going to be successful in both his lying about Joe and telling Michelle about the trauma of his youth? Is Joe going to be successful courting a women he ghosted so long ago? Can the other men sink a basket? We discuss it all with a fair amount of tangents, but, hey, it wouldn’t be the Bachelor Masters without those, right? Trigger Warning: suicide.

Listen to Your Heart 1ep4: Some thoughts on gaslighting

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Listen to Your Heart 1ep4: Some thoughts on gaslighting

It takes us a little while to get into the content of show (meaning, we tangent a bit) but once we do, Co-host Iciar leads us on a gaslighting deconstruction journey. This is good because the definitions for gaslighting have proliferated in recent years and it’s good to get a refresher on its roots, and Brandon provides some clear examples that we dissect with great attention. We wrap up with, you got it, some thoughts on fashion. Hit the play button and join us!

Bachelor 24ep4: F ‘n P

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Bachelor 24ep4: F 'n P

Victoria F and Victoria P… Victoria P and Victoria F… as Co-host Caitlin puts it in this podcast episode, “I would like both of them to go home.” But why? What is triggering, for example, Co-host Craig’s vitriol of Victoria F given he usually doesn’t turn on contestants so definitively. And why is Co-host Iciar so down on Victoria P when she may be there for just the right reasons? We break this down and everything else, including mothers coddling kids and interesting middle names. Hit the play button and join us!