Listen to Your Heart 1ep2: Where we argue about emotional cheating

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Listen to Your Heart 1ep2: Where we argue about emotional cheating

Emotional cheating versus physical cheating: via Trevor we pounce on this opportunity to have an old-fashioned Bachelor Masters argument where we try to figure out not only what those mean but whether Trevor should feel guilty about engaging in one or the other. We also deep dive in a few other topics that this juicy episode of Listen to Your Heart brought up, leading to an old-fashioned Bachelor Masters long episode. Ready? Set, go! Press the play button and join us!

Bachelorette Countdown: Where we go way behind the scenes

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Bachelorette Countdown: Where we go way behind the scenes


Time again for the start of another Bachelorette season and we’ve got an epic countdown show to kick things off. From an account of us getting escorted off of the Warner Brothers lot to our dinner with (err, next to) Executive Producer Mike Fleiss to, of course, our analysis of the bios of the eligible bachelors, we’ve packed our season premiere full of great podcast banter. Join us!