Listen to Your Heart 1ep5: Love versus the idea of love

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Listen to Your Heart 1ep5: Love versus the idea of love

Love vesus in love… love versus the idea of being in love… falling in love versus the idea of falling in love. Rollercoaster emotions aren’t limited to Jamie in this episode; there are emotional rollercoasters all over the place! We try to break everything down in usual Bachelor Masters fashion, and also in Bachelor Masters fashion we include a Fashion Roundup as well as a big comeback of Co-host Caitlin’s Ice Skating Minute! It’s all here, so hit the play button and join in on the fun!

Bachelorette 14ep5 Proposal 1ep2: Do male models dream of well dressed sheep?

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Bachelorette 14ep5 Proposal 1ep2: Do male models dream of well dressed sheep?


Jordan is no Corrine, so we say goodbye to this villain without batting an eye.  Well, in the blazing Nevada heat there’s bound to be some eye batting.  Nevertheless, guys get cut as Becca narrows the field.  This turns is a point of contention for our three Bachelor Masters hosts who debate whether the remaining guys actually like Becca and whether Becca actually likes the guys.  Oh and we review Westworld for some reason.  Join us for the fun!