Bachelorette 15ep7: Enter Corinthians

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Bachelorette 15ep7: Enter Corinthians

We start out by debating whether Luke’s uncomfortably large gold cross is virtue signaling or dog whistling. Then we get into Luke’s various remarks to Hannah, including his body-is-temple bit, that was probably pulled from Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians. We verge on a heated argument around misogyny, racism, and neurosis, with the lines drawn in ways we didn’t expect, ending up at some conclusions that we hope will help out come next week as we continue to try to figure out Luke and (if the previews are to be trusted) his continued shaming of Hannah. Whew. There’s a lot here! Try to figure it all out at the same time we do by pressing play and joining us! Fashion Roundup at the end!

Bachelor 23ep3: On the words “like” and “death”

The Bachelor Masters
The Bachelor Masters
Bachelor 23ep3: On the words "like" and "death"

These are serious words, dear listener: “like” as a discourse marker and “death” as a source of strength. That’s about it, no reason to make fun. Except with Demi, who likes to dish fun. And Hannah B and Caelynn whose post-fallout friendship is fun too. It’s all in this serious yet fun episode of the Bachelor Masters!